
Hello World! 👋


My name is Zaid Mukaddam. I am a Full Stack Developer. On this blog, I write ethical hacking, programming and various web development tips to help programmers. Please follow me on this blog and subscribe to my newsletter to not miss reading my latest articles~

Let's be friends at Twitter, GitHub or LinkedIn~

💡  I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions and quick hacks.
🎓  I'm currently studying in my Second year in MPSTME Mumbai.
🌱  I'm on track for learning more about Pentesting, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Architecture.
✍️  In my free time, I write code & manage projects.
💬  Feel free to reach out to me for some interesting discussion.
✉️  You can shoot me an email at zaidaltafmukaddam@gmail.com! I'll try to respond as soon as I can.



